Willkommen im Dedalos Beach Hotel!
Dedalos Beach. Ihr kretisches Zuhause
Elegant und komfortabel eingerichtete Zimmer mit Meerblick sowohl im Hauptgebäude als auch in 1 Nebengebäude des Hotels.

Mit einzigartiger Atmosphäre, wunderbarem Essen und exzellentem Service bietet unser Hotel den perfekten Familienurlaub! Die ideale Lage, der direkte Zugang zum Strand und die herzliche kretische Gastfreundschaft machen dieses Hotel zu einer idealen Option für Ihren Aufenthalt auf Kreta.

Auf einem Blick
  • Direkt am Strand gelegen
  • Traditionelle mediterrane Küche
  • Herzliche familiäre Atmosphäre
  • Ideale Lage für Ihre Ausflüge
Ein schönes Strandhotel
Auf einem Blick
Willkommen auf der Insel des Zeus

Dedalos Beach Hotel.Ihr kretisches Zuhause.

01 Einzelzimmer
Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 46 [pid] => 7 [tstamp] => 1698749483 [headline] => Einzelzimmer [alias] => einzelzimmer [author] => [date] => [time] => 1689323580 [subheadline] => Einzelzimmer [teaser] => [addImage] => 1 [singleSRC] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Single Room/SingleRoom001.jpg [alt] => [size] => a:3:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:0:"";} [imagemargin] => a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";} [imageUrl] => [fullsize] => [caption] => [floating] => above [addEnclosure] => [enclosure] => Array ( ) [source] => internal [jumpTo] => 24 [articleId] => 0 [url] => /single-rooms.html [target] => [cssClass] => [noComments] => [featured] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [sharebuttons_networks] => [sharebuttons_theme] => [sharebuttons_template] => sharebuttons_default [tags] => [sorting] => 8 [categories] => [bathrooms] => [bedrooms] => [guests] => [price] => [amenity_1] => [amenity_1_icon] => [amenity_2] => [amenity_2_icon] => [amenity_3] => [amenity_3_icon] => [review_link] => [class] => first even [newsHeadline] => Einzelzimmer [subHeadline] => Einzelzimmer [hasSubHeadline] => 1 [linkHeadline] => Einzelzimmer [more] => Weiterlesen … [link] => einzelzimmer.html [archive] => Contao\NewsArchiveModel Object ( [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 7 [tstamp] => 1698743268 [title] => Zimmertypen [jumpTo] => 26 [protected] => [groups] => [allowComments] => [notify] => notify_admin [sortOrder] => ascending [perPage] => 0 [moderate] => [bbcode] => [requireLogin] => [disableCaptcha] => [sharebuttons_networks] => [sharebuttons_theme] => [sharebuttons_template] => sharebuttons_default [limitCategories] => [categories] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => eager ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Contao\PageModel Object ( [blnDetailsLoaded:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 26 [pid] => 21 [sorting] => 128 [tstamp] => 1689323453 [title] => Room reader-de [alias] => room-reader-de [type] => regular [pageTitle] => [language] => [robots] => index,follow [description] => [redirect] => permanent [jumpTo] => 0 [url] => [target] => [dns] => [staticFiles] => [staticPlugins] => [fallback] => [adminEmail] => [dateFormat] => [timeFormat] => [datimFormat] => [createSitemap] => [sitemapName] => [useSSL] => [autoforward] => [protected] => [groups] => [includeLayout] => 1 [layout] => 1 [mobileLayout] => 0 [includeCache] => [cache] => 0 [includeChmod] => [cuser] => 0 [cgroup] => 0 [chmod] => a:9:{i:0;s:2:"u1";i:1;s:2:"u2";i:2;s:2:"u3";i:3;s:2:"u4";i:4;s:2:"u5";i:5;s:2:"u6";i:6;s:2:"g4";i:7;s:2:"g5";i:8;s:2:"g6";} [noSearch] => [cssClass] => [sitemap] => map_default [hide] => 1 [guests] => [tabindex] => 0 [accesskey] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [socialImage] => [newsCategories_param] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) [layout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [mobileLayout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cuser] => Array ( [table] => tl_user [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cgroup] => Array ( [table] => tl_user_group [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) [count] => 1 [text] => [hasText] => 1 [hasTeaser] => [hasMetaFields] => [numberOfComments] => [commentCount] => [timestamp] => 1689323580 [datetime] => 2023-07-14T11:33:00+03:00 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [arrSize] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1080 [2] => 2 [3] => width="1920" height="1080" [bits] => 8 [channels] => 3 [mime] => image/jpeg ) [imgSize] => width="1920" height="1080" [picture] => Array ( [img] => Array ( [src] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Single%20Room/SingleRoom001.jpg [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 [srcset] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Single%20Room/SingleRoom001.jpg ) [sources] => Array ( ) [alt] => [title] => ) [floatClass] => float_above [src] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Single%20Room/SingleRoom001.jpg [title] => [linkTitle] => [addBefore] => 1 [margin] => [sharebuttons] => [showTags] => [elements] => Array ( ) ) [strTemplate:protected] => news_list_rooms_index [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( [news_showtags] => [news_jumpto] => 0 [news_tag_named_class] => ) ) [NewsRelated] => NewsRelated\NewsRelated Object ( [arrMeta:protected] => Array ( ) [arrAux:protected] => Array ( ) [arrProcessed:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( [news_showtags] => [news_jumpto] => 0 [news_tag_named_class] => ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 0 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 128 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.6.21-MariaDB [server_version] => 100621 [stat] => Uptime: 157372 Threads: 8 Questions: 122560860 Slow queries: 92 Opens: 443605 Open tables: 1200 Queries per second avg: 778.797 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 517432 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => localhost [dbPass] => &-6*XaQvV1E^ [dbPconnect] => [dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) [ShareButtons] => ShareButtons Object ( ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( [news_showtags] => [news_jumpto] => 0 [news_tag_named_class] => ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 128 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.6.21-MariaDB [server_version] => 100621 [stat] => Uptime: 157372 Threads: 8 Questions: 122560860 Slow queries: 92 Opens: 443605 Open tables: 1200 Queries per second avg: 778.797 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 517432 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => localhost [dbPass] => &-6*XaQvV1E^ [dbPconnect] => [dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) [YouTubeIframe] => YouTubeIframe Object ( ) [TemplateOverrideXT] => TemplateOverrideXT Object ( ) ) )
Weiterlesen …
02 Familienzimmer
Meerblick / Seitlicher Meerblick / Gartenblick
Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 47 [pid] => 7 [tstamp] => 1698749513 [headline] => Familienzimmer [alias] => familienzimmer [author] => [date] => [time] => 1689323580 [subheadline] => Meerblick / Seitlicher Meerblick / Gartenblick [teaser] => [addImage] => 1 [singleSRC] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Family Two Bedrooms/FamilyTwoBedrooms001.jpg [alt] => [size] => a:3:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:0:"";} [imagemargin] => a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";} [imageUrl] => [fullsize] => [caption] => [floating] => above [addEnclosure] => [enclosure] => Array ( ) [source] => internal [jumpTo] => 25 [articleId] => 0 [url] => /family-rooms.html [target] => [cssClass] => [noComments] => [featured] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [sharebuttons_networks] => [sharebuttons_theme] => [sharebuttons_template] => 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=> Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => eager ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Contao\PageModel Object ( [blnDetailsLoaded:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 26 [pid] => 21 [sorting] => 128 [tstamp] => 1689323453 [title] => Room reader-de [alias] => room-reader-de [type] => regular [pageTitle] => [language] => [robots] => index,follow [description] => [redirect] => permanent [jumpTo] => 0 [url] => [target] => [dns] => [staticFiles] => [staticPlugins] => [fallback] => [adminEmail] => [dateFormat] => [timeFormat] => [datimFormat] => [createSitemap] => [sitemapName] => [useSSL] => [autoforward] => [protected] => [groups] => [includeLayout] => 1 [layout] => 1 [mobileLayout] => 0 [includeCache] => [cache] => 0 [includeChmod] => [cuser] => 0 [cgroup] => 0 [chmod] => a:9:{i:0;s:2:"u1";i:1;s:2:"u2";i:2;s:2:"u3";i:3;s:2:"u4";i:4;s:2:"u5";i:5;s:2:"u6";i:6;s:2:"g4";i:7;s:2:"g5";i:8;s:2:"g6";} [noSearch] => [cssClass] => [sitemap] => map_default [hide] => 1 [guests] => [tabindex] => 0 [accesskey] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [socialImage] => [newsCategories_param] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) [layout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [mobileLayout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cuser] => Array ( [table] => tl_user [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cgroup] => Array ( [table] => tl_user_group [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) [count] => 2 [text] => [hasText] => 1 [hasTeaser] => [hasMetaFields] => [numberOfComments] => [commentCount] => [timestamp] => 1689323580 [datetime] => 2023-07-14T11:33:00+03:00 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1280 [arrSize] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1280 [2] => 2 [3] => width="1920" height="1280" [bits] => 8 [channels] => 3 [mime] => image/jpeg ) [imgSize] => width="1920" height="1280" [picture] => Array ( [img] => Array ( [src] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Family%20Two%20Bedrooms/FamilyTwoBedrooms001.jpg [width] => 1920 [height] => 1280 [srcset] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Family%20Two%20Bedrooms/FamilyTwoBedrooms001.jpg ) [sources] => Array ( ) [alt] => [title] => ) [floatClass] => float_above [src] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Family%20Two%20Bedrooms/FamilyTwoBedrooms001.jpg [title] => [linkTitle] => [addBefore] => 1 [margin] => [sharebuttons] => [showTags] => [elements] => Array ( ) ) [strTemplate:protected] => news_list_rooms_index [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( [news_showtags] => [news_jumpto] => 0 [news_tag_named_class] => ) ) [NewsRelated] => NewsRelated\NewsRelated Object ( [arrMeta:protected] => Array ( ) [arrAux:protected] => Array ( ) [arrProcessed:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( [news_showtags] => [news_jumpto] => 0 [news_tag_named_class] => ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 0 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 128 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.6.21-MariaDB [server_version] => 100621 [stat] => Uptime: 157372 Threads: 8 Questions: 122560863 Slow queries: 92 Opens: 443605 Open tables: 1200 Queries per second avg: 778.797 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 517432 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => localhost [dbPass] => &-6*XaQvV1E^ [dbPconnect] => [dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) [ShareButtons] => ShareButtons Object ( ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( [news_showtags] => [news_jumpto] => 0 [news_tag_named_class] => ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 128 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.6.21-MariaDB [server_version] => 100621 [stat] => Uptime: 157372 Threads: 8 Questions: 122560863 Slow queries: 92 Opens: 443605 Open tables: 1200 Queries per second avg: 778.797 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 517432 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => localhost [dbPass] => &-6*XaQvV1E^ [dbPconnect] => [dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) [YouTubeIframe] => YouTubeIframe Object ( ) [TemplateOverrideXT] => TemplateOverrideXT Object ( ) ) )
Weiterlesen …
03 Doppelzimmer
Meerblick / Seitlicher Meerblick / Gartenblick
Contao\FrontendTemplate Object ( [strBuffer:protected] => [strContentType:protected] => text/html [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 48 [pid] => 7 [tstamp] => 1698749520 [headline] => Doppelzimmer [alias] => doppelzimmer [author] => [date] => [time] => 1689323580 [subheadline] => Meerblick / Seitlicher Meerblick / Gartenblick [teaser] => [addImage] => 1 [singleSRC] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Double Front Sea View/DoubleFrontSeaView016.jpg [alt] => [size] => a:3:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:0:"";} [imagemargin] => a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";} [imageUrl] => [fullsize] => [caption] => [floating] => above [addEnclosure] => [enclosure] => Array ( ) [source] => internal [jumpTo] => 23 [articleId] => 0 [url] => index.php/double-rooms.html [target] => [cssClass] => [noComments] => [featured] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [sharebuttons_networks] => [sharebuttons_theme] => [sharebuttons_template] => 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=> Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => eager ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Contao\PageModel Object ( [blnDetailsLoaded:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( [id] => 26 [pid] => 21 [sorting] => 128 [tstamp] => 1689323453 [title] => Room reader-de [alias] => room-reader-de [type] => regular [pageTitle] => [language] => [robots] => index,follow [description] => [redirect] => permanent [jumpTo] => 0 [url] => [target] => [dns] => [staticFiles] => [staticPlugins] => [fallback] => [adminEmail] => [dateFormat] => [timeFormat] => [datimFormat] => [createSitemap] => [sitemapName] => [useSSL] => [autoforward] => [protected] => [groups] => [includeLayout] => 1 [layout] => 1 [mobileLayout] => 0 [includeCache] => [cache] => 0 [includeChmod] => [cuser] => 0 [cgroup] => 0 [chmod] => a:9:{i:0;s:2:"u1";i:1;s:2:"u2";i:2;s:2:"u3";i:3;s:2:"u4";i:4;s:2:"u5";i:5;s:2:"u6";i:6;s:2:"g4";i:7;s:2:"g5";i:8;s:2:"g6";} [noSearch] => [cssClass] => [sitemap] => map_default [hide] => 1 [guests] => [tabindex] => 0 [accesskey] => [published] => 1 [start] => [stop] => [socialImage] => [newsCategories_param] => ) [arrModified:protected] => Array ( ) [arrRelations:protected] => Array ( [jumpTo] => Array ( [table] => tl_page [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [groups] => Array ( [table] => tl_member_group [field] => id [type] => hasMany [load] => lazy ) [layout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [mobileLayout] => Array ( [table] => tl_layout [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cuser] => Array ( [table] => tl_user [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) [cgroup] => Array ( [table] => tl_user_group [field] => id [type] => hasOne [load] => lazy ) ) [arrRelated:protected] => Array ( ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) ) [blnPreventSaving:protected] => ) [count] => 3 [text] => [hasText] => 1 [hasTeaser] => [hasMetaFields] => [numberOfComments] => [commentCount] => [timestamp] => 1689323580 [datetime] => 2023-07-14T11:33:00+03:00 [width] => 1920 [height] => 1280 [arrSize] => Array ( [0] => 1920 [1] => 1280 [2] => 2 [3] => width="1920" height="1280" [bits] => 8 [channels] => 3 [mime] => image/jpeg ) [imgSize] => width="1920" height="1280" [picture] => Array ( [img] => Array ( [src] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Double%20Front%20Sea%20View/DoubleFrontSeaView016.jpg [width] => 1920 [height] => 1280 [srcset] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Double%20Front%20Sea%20View/DoubleFrontSeaView016.jpg ) [sources] => Array ( ) [alt] => [title] => ) [floatClass] => float_above [src] => files/DedalosBeach/_Accommodation/Double%20Front%20Sea%20View/DoubleFrontSeaView016.jpg [title] => [linkTitle] => [addBefore] => 1 [margin] => [sharebuttons] => [showTags] => [elements] => Array ( ) ) [strTemplate:protected] => news_list_rooms_index [strParent:protected] => [strDefault:protected] => [strFormat:protected] => html5 [strTagEnding:protected] => > [arrBlocks:protected] => Array ( ) [arrBlockNames:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( [news_showtags] => [news_jumpto] => 0 [news_tag_named_class] => ) ) [NewsRelated] => NewsRelated\NewsRelated Object ( [arrMeta:protected] => Array ( ) [arrAux:protected] => Array ( ) [arrProcessed:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( [news_showtags] => [news_jumpto] => 0 [news_tag_named_class] => ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 0 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 128 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.6.21-MariaDB [server_version] => 100621 [stat] => Uptime: 157372 Threads: 8 Questions: 122560866 Slow queries: 92 Opens: 443605 Open tables: 1200 Queries per second avg: 778.797 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 517432 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => localhost [dbPass] => &-6*XaQvV1E^ [dbPconnect] => [dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) [ShareButtons] => ShareButtons Object ( ) [TreePicker\TreePickerHelper] => TreePicker\TreePickerHelper Object ( [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [arrObjects:protected] => Array ( [Config] => Contao\Config Object ( [Files:protected] => [strTop:protected] => [strBottom:protected] => [blnIsModified:protected] => [arrData:protected] => Array ( ) [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) ) [Session] => Contao\Session Object ( [arrSession:protected] => Array ( [news_showtags] => [news_jumpto] => 0 [news_tag_named_class] => ) ) [Database] => Contao\Database\Mysqli Object ( [resConnection:protected] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => -1 [client_info] => mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 3591daad22de08524295e1bd073aceeff11e6579 $ [client_version] => 50012 [connect_errno] => 0 [connect_error] => [errno] => 0 [error] => [error_list] => Array ( ) [field_count] => 128 [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket [info] => [insert_id] => 0 [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.6.21-MariaDB [server_version] => 100621 [stat] => Uptime: 157372 Threads: 8 Questions: 122560866 Slow queries: 92 Opens: 443605 Open tables: 1200 Queries per second avg: 778.797 [sqlstate] => 00000 [protocol_version] => 10 [thread_id] => 517432 [warning_count] => 0 ) [arrConfig:protected] => Array ( [dbCharset] => UTF8 [dbDatabase] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 [dbDriver] => MySQLi [dbHost] => localhost [dbPass] => &-6*XaQvV1E^ [dbPconnect] => [dbPort] => 3306 [dbSocket] => [dbSqlMode] => [dbUser] => ddalsbh_sm_3540 ) [blnDisableAutocommit:protected] => [arrCache:protected] => Array ( ) [strListTables:protected] => SHOW TABLES FROM `%s` ) ) ) [YouTubeIframe] => YouTubeIframe Object ( ) [TemplateOverrideXT] => TemplateOverrideXT Object ( ) ) )
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Good day!

Good day! I must say, if you are picky, the hotel is very good. We stopped at the hotel late, around 10 pm, were very tired !!! We were met very well, fed, despite the fact that dinner was already over, we were taken to the room. We were pleasantly surprised by such a meeting that fatigue disappeared like a hand) The room is clean, cleaning is daily! The food is excellent, varied, there is always enough! By the way, the child (1 year and 10 months) was a great fit.

Ирина Архипова
We really enjoyed the time

We were on vacation in 2013 but really enjoyed the time. The hotel is run by a very nice family. The kids liked it very much. We would very much like to go on vacation again.

Niki Mostofi
Definitely again next year!

Very nice staff, I'm here 4 times and always happy. Very warm and always welcome. Every evening there is a fresh buffet with delicious national dishes, salads and much more. Breakfast is sufficient and I think everyone will be full. Definitely again next year and I'm already looking forward to it

Sören Mohr